Saturday, December 26, 2009
I have a dream (kitchen).
Everyone fantasizes about the future. I sure do. I believe that visualizing the future helps us figure out what we want and keep focused on the paths to achieving our dreams. Some of those dreams are personal, familial, spiritual, even. Some are financial, especially for those of us toeing the poverty line. One of my dreams is to have a fabulous kitchen.
Shallow, sure. But, well, who doesn't want a fabulous kitchen? But I also dream of attaining that kitchen beautifully and affordably, without anything generic or dateable.
I dream of white lower cabinets, fabulous countertops in a combination of carerra marble (my splurge) and thick butcher block, which I will chop on unashamedly, beleiving that knife marks = character. My dream kitchen has a huge island, a great pantry, and meticulously efficient drawers and cupboards. It doesn't have to be huge, but I'd like the island to house a stool or two at which I can sit with my books and coffee in the mornings.
It has great appliances, but they aren't stainless steel, because I firmly beleive that this is the avocado-green of the future. I cook with gas if possible, but a ceramic cooktop is also acceptable.
there are no upper cabinets, but open shelving is welcome for displaying collections of lovely ceramics and useful tools (in my dream kitchen, dust is not an issue).
floors are wooden. no contest. Limed, if possible, would be perfect. oh, and laid in a herringbone parquet pattern, please.
Backsplashes are important. I like back-painted glass, or black pennyrounds. The walls are white (probably) and there is a skylight or other source of incredible natural light (definitely).
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Here, I have proof.

ps. mexico was fabulous, I wasn't ready to come home.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Getting Ready.
you can take a moment to be jealous, it's okay.
I have never been to mexico, or anywhere hot for that matter. In fact, this is going to be our first real trip away from the pacific northwest, both as a couple and individually.
Anyway, today is going to be a busy day full of getting ready, packing, making arrangements exchanging money, etc.... and for some reason, I'm still here, in my pajamas, at nearly 1pm.
I will be taking lots of photos!
Thursday, December 10, 2009

In case any of you are as forgetful as I am, swissmiss just released a lovely web-app which features a simple, functional, and stylish to-do list where you can cross things off, drag and drop items to different days, and even place things in a 'someday' category. I just made it my homepage.
love it. find it here.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
other peoples' children

I love babies.
Okay, lots of people love babies, I suppose it isn't that strange.
But I tell you, I am obsessed. It is only by the sheer force of my will that I do not already have a brood of babies running around, being ridiculously cute. For Kyle and me, the right time just hasn't come. Money and age and general growing-upness and the like mean that we have decided not to make any babies in the too-near future.
But oh, my. If we didn't have friends with wonderful, sweet, adorable children, I would have baby-trapped that man ages ago.
Thursday, November 12, 2009

- 8-10 page paper on hospice care
- In-class presentation about hospice care, followed by a 4-page reflection about said presentation
- In-class presentation about the need to bring back professional nursing associations in Canada
- Reflective practice Narrative re: something, anything I have done in Practicum
- Short in-class presentation related to my practicum
- 10-page critique of 2 research articles
- Final practicum self-evaluation
- Prepare a teaching plan and teach 6 classes of high school kids about healthy relationships, birth control, nutrition, and Diabetes (not all on the same day).
Friday, November 6, 2009
Whimsical Locks

Dammit, woman, can't you just tell me what I want to hear? that it's perfect?
She says she has an idea for me involving 1940's pinup glamour. Which is lovely and awesome, but not exactly the whimsical wispiness I was leaning towards.
Sigh. We shall see.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Cozy Toes

But later, my feet got chilly, as they always do (Kyle often makes me wear socks to bed because they are so cold, even though there is no feeling more bizarre and uncomfortable to me than wearing socks to bed). And I put on my new, pink, fuzzy inside and outside boot-slippers. And I have never looked back.
Since then, I have purchased and worn out at least one pair of slippers (always boot-like in nature, never slip-on) each winter. I wear them inside. I wear them in the car sometimes. I bring them to other peoples' houses so that my feet can be warm and adorable anywhere I go. I have once or twice forgotten to change from slippers to shoes and worn them in the grocery store. It was an accident, I SWEAR. I am not one of those shops-in-her-pajamas types of people.
As the weather has gotten cooler, I knew it was time to find my next pair of slippers. So, on a whim, I stopped at Old Navy on my way home the other day, and there I found a glorious array of exactly the boot-shaped booties I love. With stripes, and pom-poms. Oh, my.
And here they are. So pretty, so cozy. If with this post I can convert one, EVEN ONE non-slipper-wearing person into a beleiver, I consider my job done. Just try it! You'll like it.
*PS, in case you missed it: The letter M (and all the scripty lovelies at the beginning of my posts) is brought to you by Jessica Hische and her Daily Drop Cap Project.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Disengaged, unenthralled, bored.

But here's the thing. And I have never, EVER complained about this before.
I can tell you a great deal about establishing therapeutic relationships, phenomenology, Nursing theory. But it has been two years now since I have learned anything about pharmacology, or nursing process.
Since I now possess excellent critical thinking skills, I know exactly where to find all the information I lack, of course. But I am about to enter into the working world, and here's the thing:
I know exactly what nursing as a profession needs, and I have learned enough that I could probably change the world if I wanted to. But I haven't learned enough about the actual job I will be performing when I graduate to be confident doing it. I never thought I'd say this, but I wish my schooling had involved just a wee bit more memorization work. Especially if it meant writing fewer papers.
I am so, so frustrated. And did you know, internet, that I am taking a class on critiquing research IN MY FINAL YEAR OF EDUCATION? Not, oh, I don't know, in first year, where I could then have used that knowledge every time I chose scientific references for my papers.
I see the value of what I have learned. I am prepared to enter into nursing practice.
But I'm not so sure I feel ready to enter into a nursing JOB.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Good Advice: Never argue with someone who works at a liquor store.

uys, there is something we need to discuss. You must never, EVER argue with a liquor store employee. Not for any reason. Because everywhere else in the world, the customer is always right. I know this. But in the liquor store, the customer is rarely right and usually just ends up looking like a giant douche.
Case in point number 1:
You had this wine the other night. You really liked it, but you got kind of drunk and now you don't remember the name. You aren't sure what grape it was, or where it came from, or even whether the person who introduced you to it bought it at this store. But it was DELICIOUS and you must have it, and will berate me until I produce it for you. Oh, and there was purple on the label, and maybe a dog.
The best possible response you will get from me is a shrug or an "I know the one you are talking about... we don't have it." Even if we do. Just for asking that silly question.
Case in point number 2:
You have already been drinking when you come into the store, and you say so. And when I say I can't serve you because you are already drunk, say "no, I'm not. I'm just high. I smoked some weed, that's all." I raise my eyebrows at you. You spend five minutes putting your money in back in your wallet. You put the wallet back in your pocket. Then you pull it out again and begin counting the money inside. I come around the counter, grab your skateboard, toss it out the door. You chase it.
Case in point number 3:
You kick the door at 10:05 and yell at me because "You still have 10 minutes! I have a cell phone, they broadcast the time from space!"
Sorry, I have trouble taking anyone seriously who claims to have anything broadcast from space. However, the time I go by is broadcast to my computer from the internet. We could argue over it all night, but since you are physically assaulting my building, I don't think I'm going to change my mind.
Case in point number 4:
You threaten that if we don't start keeping the XYZ-cheap cider in the cooler, you will just go buy it at the government store a block away, where they sell it for 40 cents cheaper. DON'T LET ME KEEP YOU.
Case in Point number 5:
You have forgotten your ID, but c'mon, I'm like 30*!
I hear this ALL THE TIME. Congratulations on being 30. I beleive you, I really do. however, the rules state that if I ask you for ID I may not serve you until you produce it. 2 peices. If you have made it to 30, what the H are you doing out of the house without ID? What if you get hit by a bus? Don't you want people to be able to identify your body and notify your family? What if you get caught in the middle of a riot?! You know they can hold you indefinitely until you can prove who you are, right? Get out of here. Look both ways when you cross the street.
*The age group most likely to throw a fit about being ID'd are those who turned 19 like six months ago, gawwd!
And now, something hilarious to enrich your day.
Friday, October 16, 2009
The wimpiest dog in the universe.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I have been wondering about how to accessorize the dress. I am kind of torn between two looks.
1. Ethereal, princess-of-the-woods
2. Colorful, vibrant, and fun (which, considering the vibe of the food and the invites, etc, may be more fitting with the day)
What do you guys think??
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Slapsgiving weekend.
This past weekend was thanksgiving weekend for those of us here in Canada who celebrate the real thanksgiving ;).
We had dinner here at our place. This was the third or fourth Turkey I have made. It was still partially frozen when I put it in the oven. It turned out delicious and tender, albeit 1 1/2 hours later than I had planned for. I was worried, because I do not have a meat thermometer (you may point accusatory fingers at me as you wish. I could kill somebody). So far, nobody has called to tell me about salmonella poisoning.
Anyway, Sunday involved a lot of boiling and testing and mashing carrots and turnips (which, let's be honest, logic dictates should not be a food, but we mash it with carrots and brown sugar and BUTTER! anyway) and cream-braising brussels sprouts until they are nutty and delicious (deemed worthy for consumption by my sixteen-year-old brother whose last vegetable was LAST slapsgiving dinner, when I last made said brussels sproups) and making pumpkin pie from scratch for the first time. By scratch, I mean that I used canned pumpkin and spiced it myself. I did make my own crust, I'm pretty good with shortcrust pastry.
But, DID YOU KNOW that there is condensed milk in a pumpkin pie filling? Well, there is. And, had you, like me, forgotten that condensed milk is totally, completely, out-of-this-world scrumptious and decadent?? WHO NEEDS THE PIE?
Also, on sunday, I got registered.
(as a sex offender. Ha, ha)
No, but actually, I meant that we registered for wedding gifts. And can I be totally, brutally honest? It was about six million times more fun that I could ever have dreamed of. Even though there are basically only two choices of store to register at. One is The Bay, and the other is Home Outfitters, which is owned by The Bay. It's either that, or ask for cash envelopes. Seriously! You think I am kidding.
We registered for a bunch of stuff, mostly small. But the size doesn't really matter for the most part, because people are going to buy it! for me! and I won't even have to pay! just because they love me, and they love Kyle, and Kyle and Me love each other! Isn't that fabulous?
We did scan just one big-ticket item, though:
At $699, this is likely out of our friends' and families' price ranges. I do not expect to actually get this, unless we have some particularly generous-feeling grandparents or our friends decide to give us a group gift. The Bay does have a neat program in which we can continue to add items to our registry up to our first anniversary, then buy things off it at the best sale price it has had in the past year. Cool, yeah? makes me want to toss all our stuff to the curb, just so I can be all like BUT CHECK OUT THE DEAL I GOT ON THE NEW ONE.
I won't do that, though, because I'm not crazy.
*if you get the slapsgiving reference, you are officially awesome and can we be friends?
Thursday, October 8, 2009
On giving in.

Monday, October 5, 2009
I heart Mondays

ig Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother are on tonight. Just so you know.
*the letter B is brought to you today by Jessica Hische's Daily Drop Cap project!
Friday, October 2, 2009
A lovely place to snuggle up
I just bought them the day before the bed came, and oooh, how crazy I must be. I am that person who will projectile-spill my coffee, curry, red wine, or tomato sauce past any and all dark-coloured clothing, just so that I can screw up the three square inches of white I am wearing.
I hesitated about buying white sheets. But they were cheap, they had a high thread count, and after all, white is my favourite colour! So I did it.
And I am so, so glad. I feel so clean and cozy crawling into my white-sheeted bed.
I'm now daydreaming about a white duvet. Specifically this one from Designer's Guild.

Thankfully, it's much more money than I am willing to spend on something that would be wrecked immediately*
I am also in love with this:

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Birthday Goals
Monday, September 28, 2009
these window films were inspired by this project on Design*Sponge. They block most of the ugly view out the windows, of the gravel driveway and parking area at the back of our house, which serves all four units in the house. This means a lot of people walk by our bedroom window. The films do a lot to help the bedroom feel private, and not like a puppet stage or peep show.
Things have calmed down with the landlord drama, so we have decided against moving for now. because a) it sucks to find a place allowing pets and b) we are not currently in a position to sign a lease, because there is a very good chance of moving away from here once I am done with school. The health authority here has a hiring freeze on, and I need me some money! Various locations have been thrown around in talks, but the latest and most bizarre: Los Angeles, or The Last Place in the Known Universe I Would Ever Have Desired to Live. More on that another time.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Room Crush

Monday, September 21, 2009
Weird! and cool!

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
In which I blurt out something I meant to keep quiet
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Super Chic

Friday, September 11, 2009
All growed up.

I know, right? neither urban loft (apart from the dark wood) nor scandanavian simple. But you know what? I kind of love it. I sat on the bed, laid down on it even. It felt solid and maybe even a bed we could keep for years, to transition from this rental to the next, into the home we will one day be able to afford. It felt like the sort of peice of furniture we could snuggle up with our hypothetical children in on sunday mornings.
Yes, it was kind of a compromise for us both, but a buy which we could both see potential in, and both liked. Which is definitely better than one of us getting what we want and the other one losing.
Besides, paired with the right nightstands, bedding, and wall decor, I'm sure I can still have elements of the simple style I dream of, right?
Monday, August 24, 2009
One-Track Mind
because as soon as something else catches their attention, they are gone, absorbed in that world.
Here is what has been absorbing my time lately:
-apartment hunting
-a new running program
-book: the deep end of the ocean by jacquelyn mitchard. such a sad, absorbing story. I can't wait to finish. Did not know until recently they had made a movie out of it... perhaps I will see that next.
- season 2 of mad men on DVD. I became so absorbed in it last night that I totally forgot the new episode was on. D'oh!
Sorry for my blog-lameness, lame-blogness.
For being distracted.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Hands up if you love Robert Downey Junior!
I was trying to play it cool but inside, so excited for him, because he hasnt had a girl over in an indecent amount of time. I wanted to dish out the high-fives, but somehow it didn't seem appropriate.
Anyway. So I retreated to my bedroom with a book and a pot of tea, you know, to give them some alone time. After a whole pot of tea, however, one usually has to use the bathroom. I come out of the bedroom all sneaky-like, hoping not to interrupt anything which may be going on in the living room. When I come out, Drew calls out - "Guess what we're watching?"
And, without looking, I knew. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Which, by the way, is the most hilarious movie ever made. A prerequisite for being allowed to stay in our house is loving that movie. Luckily, everyone loves it and we haven't had to go through the awkward process of breaking the news to our friends that they are being excommunicated.
So I came and watched. And when it got to this line, drew looks at me and says:
"Remember last summer when this was your facebook status for like a month?"
Yeah, I named my blog after it, actually. No big deal.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Check it out, y'all!
Friday's party was a smashing success, and definitely a night to remember. I was in charge of decorations among other things, and I didn't get a chance to take many photos! But other people did, and I am working on getting some decoration pictures to show off, because I was pretty darned proud of myself.
HOWEVER, this is not a post about decorations. Oh, no.
I am going to show you guys our engagement photos! Or, at least, a sneak peek.

*Side note: It's not so apparent in these few particular photos, but I am slightly concerned about the number of chins I seem to have in photographs lately. Time to hit the gym.
photos by Orange Passion Photography
Friday, August 14, 2009
Busy Bee
Today is one of my best friends' 30th birthdays, her day is going to be full of surprises, one of which may or may not involve a diamond ring. We need to keep her occupied the whole day! So, starting at noon, I will be:
- eating lunch at a fine dining restaurant I can't afford
- Playing 9 holes of golf (my first time this year! yay!)
- Dropping her off at home and waiting until 7ish, when she goes out for dinner
- Decorating! like a madman! I've got paper lanterns, adorable fabric pennants (which I made using a no-sew tutorial whose link I will post later) tissue paper pomanders, confetti which I lovingly punched out myself from paper in our color scheme
- fandangling with a disco ball, smoke machine, and light machine for the living room dance party
- shaking with anticipation (ew, that sounded dirty) as people arrive and we turn out all the lights, getting ready for the big surprise
and finally
- giving that old geezer a heart attack.
Ha! thank god she has no idea this page exists.
However, the fun doesn't stop there. Saturday I have to work 11-6, and then we are taking engagement photos! I'm so very excited. We decided on Chinatown, mostly because Kyle really, REALLY liked the idea.
But wait, there's more
Sunday is the season premeire of Mad Men! And hoo boy, am I unreasonably excited for that!
okay. I had better go shower now.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
A much needed pick-me-up
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Feeling blue
Sorry - that was a bit on the judgement. I try to refrain from this usually.
Anyway, there are a few courses of action we might be able to take, but all of these seem to end in one place: We are going to have to move.
Despite the neighbor thing, our house is actually quite nice and there are a lot of things I have really enjoyed about living here. One of those being that this might well be the only rental in town that will allow us to have a dog.
I'm very, very worried about the possibility that our Luna Bear might have to find a new home. Not only because I will miss her silly hound face to death, but also because hound dogs are known for bonding very strongly to one person, and having difficulty adjusting to new homes once this bond is established.
I'm absolutely sick to my stomach at the possibility of having to give Luna up. A dog is a dog for life.... right? We really and truly planned on staying here a good long while, until we either left town or were ready to buy. But a circumstance like this... I just don't know what to do. I'm probably getting ahead of myself. There is probably a lovely little home out there for us to live in and bring our pup. Then again, I am doubting that we will get the best reference from a landlord who is pissed that we don't want to be involved in his little slumlord scheme, and references seem to be an important part of allowing a pet.
I can't sleep when I am stressed out like this. Feeling insecure about living situations so very distressing, and I really wish I could just close my eyes and make this go away.
So, at 2:20 in the morning, I decided to blog about it.
Thanks for listening, Internet.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Taking pictures
Where to go?
There are some places in town, which, while beautiful, seem to be the automatic spot to to take pictures (cough*dallasroadbeaconhillpark*cough), and really, I don't want to fall victim to those stereotypical places.
So where, then?
I like the idea of playing on a swingset, in which case, almost anyplace would do.
Kyle suggested chinatown.
I suggested playing on a mini golf course.
I wish we had a fair in town, because it would be, hands down, the place to go for this - our wedding is going to be country-fair-western inspired. By which I mean that it's going to be an awesome party.
And what about props? We can't forget those. I love the ice cream cone pictured above, and you all probably know how much I like balloons.
And then also, what should I wear?
I had no idea taking some pictures would be so anxiety-inducing.