I have been feeling very boring lately. Funny, how as soon as I start a blog, I run out of things to say.
Most every day, I make a to-do list. usually, on the kitchen whiteboard. Having a list helps my abysmal memory and ridiculously short attention span, and crossing things off feels good.
In Lieu of something insightful or beautiful, here is my to-do list this week:
- order transcripts for anthropology elective and have them sent to the university so that they don't kick me out of nursing school.
- Buy dog food.
- Clean out storage closet, put up a craigslist ad or two. (fake Christmas tree, anyone?)
- 'Mow' the 'lawn'*, buy and pot a plant or two, stick solar lights in ground.
- Do something about the caterpillar tents in the apple tree. I forsee some mighty delicious pies this year, if I could only find an apple sans worm holes.
- Paint the hallway (green, like the living room). Bedroom, too, if I get on a roll (white, for simplicity and to take advantage of all the pretty light in there).
- While I'm at it, organize the bedroom bookshelf. maybe make Kraft paper sleeves for all the books.
- Snip some blossoms from the (plum?) tree that's only sort-of in the yard to swoon over indoors.
- Consider applying for a job so that I can feed myself for the next twelve months.
*the grass can only loosely be defined as a lawn. it's very
teensy weensy, quite patchy, completely uneven, and interrupted by an apple tree trunk. That said, the grass there is getting out of control. I think the best way to 'mow' it will be with a weed whacker.