y first pair of slippers was given to me for my eighteenth birthday. They were pink. fuzzy inside, fuzzy outside, boot-shaped, and given to me by a friend. I feigned excitement, then put them in the corner, not really intending to wear them.
But later, my feet got chilly, as they always do (Kyle often makes me wear socks to bed because they are so cold, even though there is no feeling more bizarre and uncomfortable to me than wearing socks to bed). And I put on my new, pink, fuzzy inside and outside boot-slippers. And I have never looked back.
Since then, I have purchased and worn out at least one pair of slippers (always boot-like in nature, never slip-on) each winter. I wear them inside. I wear them in the car sometimes. I bring them to other peoples' houses so that my feet can be warm and adorable anywhere I go. I have once or twice forgotten to change from slippers to shoes and worn them in the grocery store. It was an accident, I SWEAR. I am not one of those shops-in-her-pajamas types of people.
As the weather has gotten cooler, I knew it was time to find my next pair of slippers. So, on a whim, I stopped at Old Navy on my way home the other day, and there I found a glorious array of exactly the boot-shaped booties I love. With
stripes, and
pom-poms. Oh, my.

And here they are. So pretty, so cozy. If with this post I can convert one, EVEN ONE non-slipper-wearing person into a beleiver, I consider my job done. Just try it! You'll like it.
*PS, in case you missed it: The letter M (and all the scripty lovelies at the beginning of my posts) is brought to you by Jessica Hische and her Daily Drop Cap Project.